We’ve said this many times before, the tattoo removal industry is very complex. Yes when it comes to the treatments themselves but also everything else that comes along with it. One of I’m sure the most mind boggling to understand is how prices vary so drastically from clinic to clinic.
I think the easiest way to explain this is to draw comparisons to the car industry…. Stay with me on this, I swear it makes sense..
Ok firstly lets talk about cars…
When it comes to buying a car you can go out and buy yourself a Kia Picanto for $18k. The salesman is probably new to the industry and isn’t really that interested in the sale because let’s face it, it’s a Kia Picanto. The car itself has a small engine that will struggle uphill and has the bare minimum safety features and it’ll get you from A to B eventually. If anything was to break on the car you’d better hope it’s covered by warranty and you’re sure as shit not ringing the salesman for any advice.
On the other end of the spectrum you could also buy yourself a Rolls Royce Ghost for $645k. Yeah it's a bit of an investment but the dealership is pristine, the salesman knows every detail about the car and if he doesn’t he’ll find it out for you, the overall sales experience would be unmatched. The car has endless power but is a smooth ride, the car can handle anything put in front of it. Every single bell and/or whistle you could think of this car has it and is the safest car on the road. It’s very rare that anything would ever go wrong with this car but if it did you know the team at Rolls Royce would bend over backwards to ensure everything is handled for you without even the slightest fuss.
Ok, lets bring it back to tattoo removal now..
You shop around to find the cheapest per treatment price you can find without asking any other questions and without going to a consultation with the clinics you’ve enquired with.
You find the cheapest price of $100 per treatment but what comes with that price…. The laser operator who will be performing your treatments is licenses but the training organisation they got their license through only taught them how to operate the laser, nothing else aaaaand the operator has only been operating unsupervised for 6 months and hasn’t achieved a single complete removal of a tattoo. Machines can be expensive so because the clinic is new and don’t have great knowledge on different types of machines they purchased a cheap and unreliable machine that has limited energy levels that will struggle to completely remove a tattoo. Throughout your treatment plan you start to ask questions about the results but the operator struggles to show understanding of the process or simply cannot answer the questions and has no means to find the answers for you besides google. This then leads to a high number of treatments to achieve your desired result at best, at worst they cause irreversible damage to your skin. Sheesh!
Other end of the spectrum, you find somewhere that has quoted you $200 per treatment but what has already come with getting this price is an email with some background information on the clinic as well as a text message ensuring you received the quote and asking if there’s any questions you may want answered before coming into the clinic. The clinic itself is clean, functional and comfortable and the operator is equally as comforting and understanding. The operator has years of experience of operating a laser to remove tattoos and has performed thousands of treatments achieving countless complete removals, they don’t directly tell you this but by the way that they’re explaining things to you, you just know. The machine they operate uses modern, top tier technology and has the necessary energy levels and settings to remove any tattoo on any skin type, it is also compliant and calibrated regularly by the relevant regulatory body. Initially you don’t have any questions because they’ve already explained every step of the process to you and have encouraged you to ask any questions along the way but when you do ask questions they have the answers or get them for you because the trainer they were trained by is in fact still their mentor who has over 40 years of experience in the industry. All of this combined leads to you achieving a complete removal in less treatments and with absolutely no damage to your skin. WIN!!!!
Look, I’m not an idiot, I understand everyone’s budget for these things is completely different, some can afford a Rolls Royce, other a Kia but when it comes to tattoo removal what you need to remember is that even though the per treatment price may be cheaper, if you end up needing more total treatments to achieve your desired result you may have been better off going the higher price for less treatments! Also too, if the cheaper option damages your skin you’ll then be left with pigmentation damage or scarring instead of the tattoo which can sometimes be harder to correct or in some cases unable to be corrected which is devastating!
This isn’t a blog telling you to come to us because were a Rolls Royce dealership, this is to simply put things into perspective and hopefully highlight something you may not have considered if you’re thinking about starting your tattoo removal journey.